Kids’ Voice Safe Child Parenting Time Program allowed mother and daughter to continue their relationship, even after sole custody was awarded to the father.
Diana and Kostos met when they were working at a Greek restaurant. They married, and had one daughter, Melina. When Melina was five years old, Diana and Kostos separated due to domestic violence. Diana filed for divorce and requested sole custody of Melina and supervised parenting time for Kostos.
Because Diana feared for Melina’s safety, Diana took Melina to Greece to live with Diana’s relatives, which was contrary to the divorce court’s preliminary order. Kostos ultimately secured Melina’s return from Greece, and the court awarded him sole custody of Melina. Because the court found there was a risk that Diana would again remove Melina from Indiana, the court ordered Diana to have supervised visitation with Melina at the Kids’ Voice Parent-Child Visitation Program. Diana began visiting with Melina for two hours per week when Melina was six years old. Ten years later, Melina has continued to have supervised visitation with Diana at Kids’ Voice. Melina lost her employment when she was undergoing treatment for cancer and became too ill to work full time. Kids’ Voice continued to provide supervised visits for Diana and Melina. Kids’ Voice President and CEO Eddie Rivers determined that Diana should pay a reduced fee of only $15 per visit because Diana was disabled.
Although Diana sometimes missed her scheduled visits with Melina due to illness, Kids’ Voice Director of Internal Operations Bethanne and Visitation Program Manager Joyce continued to include Diana and Melina on the visitation schedule. Diana completed cancer treatment, and she and Melina currently have positive weekly supervised visits together at Kids’ Voice. Diana and Melina play music and work on crafts together during their visits. Because of Kids’ Voice, Melina has had opportunities to know and spend time with Diana throughout her childhood.