Kids’ Voice is changing lives every day by being the voice for children in Indiana. Click on one of the links below to read more success stories.
[ezcol_1third]Guardian Ad Litem Success Stories
- GAL helped five children who lost their parents in tragic car accident
- Kids’ Voice appointed a GAL for a 6-month-old girl, who was born addicted to drugs
- GAL finds safe and stable long-term placement for 8-year-old girl with Grandmother.
- Abused child has happy ending with adoption into a permanent, happy home
- GAL provides the court with important information needed to protect 9-year-old child.
- GAL report and recommendations allowed child to have safe parenting time with both parents
- GAL assisted grandparents with guardianship of young grandchildren
- GAL able to place children with family when their parents were deported
- GAL instrumental in providing information to court to keep guardianship in place for the safety of the child
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third]Children’s Law Center Success Stories
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third_end]Supervised Parent-Child Visitation Success Stories