The National Child Traumatic Stress Network                   

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network website is a resource for parent and caregivers, professionals, and educators.  It is available in English and Spanish.  Established by Congress in 2000, the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) brings a singular and comprehensive focus to childhood trauma. NCTSN’s collaboration of frontline providers, researchers, and families is committed to raising the standard of care while increasing access to services. Combining knowledge of child development, expertise in the full range of child traumatic experiences, and dedication to evidence-based practices, the NCTSN changes the course of children’s lives by changing the course of their care.

Medical University of South Carolina
National Center Victim Research and Treatment Center

You’ll need to register – (you won’t receive spam) and you can click on each segment to review the free trainings.  As you advance in your training it allows you to go to the next one. Topics include:

Prevent Child Abuse Indiana

Dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect, and committed to making Indiana a better, safer place for Indiana’s most precious resources – our children. With strong support of volunteers throughout the state, we work together to:

As a division of The VillagesPrevent Child Abuse Indiana serves as a catalyst for preventing child abuse in all its forms and thereby enhancing the quality of life for children and families in Indiana.  The website offers resources, materials, and free trainings.