The Derelle Watson-Duvall Children’s Law Center of Indiana is a private, non-governmental resource center for Indiana legal issues pertaining to children, and is an integral part of Indiana’s family law, child welfare, and juvenile justice systems. With over 30 years of experience and legal expertise, the Children’s Law Center of Indiana has a statewide reputation for providing a wealth of knowledge, a network of collaborations, and varied partnerships. We seek to improve the wellbeing of children by enhancing the legal representation on behalf of children and by promoting multidisciplinary excellence in children’s law.

CLCI Services

We serve Indiana attorneys, judges, and child service providers by providing education and training on juvenile and family law topics; legal assistance and resources; and best practice and policy recommendations.

The staff attorneys of the Children’s Law Center of Indiana can answer questions from judges, lawyers, and child service professionals regarding case law, statutes, and specific issues. You may reach the Law Center by calling (317) 558-2870 ext. 334. Please note that the Law Center is not able to provide legal advice or assistance to self represented litigants.

The Children’s Law Center of Indiana develops education and training curriculum, conducts in-depth professional training, and provides educational and technical assistance in a number of key areas of family law and juvenile law. Information on these areas of family and juvenile law is available through on-site training, as well as online resources and online training. Our online resources include case law updates, summaries of legislative updates, in depth papers and articles on areas of children’s law, and forms for self represented litigants. For more information on a particular topic, please click on the topic link below.

Requesting Custody of a Child Who Is Not Yours

This section of the Children’s Law Center contains important information and forms pertaining to Guardianship and Third Party Custody. It is meant for people who do not have an attorney.

Family Safety Planning In Indiana

This section of the Children’s Law Center contains information and forms relating to Family Safety Planning. Family Safety Plans are a way of creating a plan of action for your children in the event of an emergency.

Indiana CHINS and Family Law Deskbook

The Children’s Law Center of Indiana is also the author and publisher of the new Indiana CHINS and Family Law Deskbook, the comprehensive reference guide for all aspects of Children In Need of Services law in Indiana, as well as Adoption, Paternity, and Guardianship law in Indiana. For more information on the Indiana CHINS and Family Law Deskbook, please see our Deskbook section.

The Children’s Law Center of Indiana does not provide direct legal representation for children or adults.


Legal Disclaimer

This website is not professional legal advice. Accessing information on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between the viewer and Derelle Watson-Duvall Children’s Law Center of Indiana. Viewers should consult their own attorneys before taking or failing to take legal action based on content provided in this website.